Pavlov VR Torrent
Of course the player as a soldier in Pavlov VR can use any gun they want. These missions are quite different and you really feel like a soldier. But I feel like it is not playing with a gun that is the best thing in Pavlov VR, instead it is playing in a new world that is interesting and fun. It seems the AI has been tuned to match your play style as well. The AI in Pavlov VR will throw grenades at you if it thinks you will be able to kill them, and if it is a good shot has a high chance of winning.If the players like to tunnel, take cover and shoot from the shadows you can hide from an AI from the get go if you choose. Then again sometimes you get to a point where you can shoot the AI from the best position to kill them faster. Pavlov VR also has a full day/night cycle mode, taking place outside in the night or even in daytime for an eerie feel.
This game now comes with a game mode called 2v2, so two players can play enemy against enemy all in the same map. Sadly Pavlov VR did not support network play, but you can join two players in a room or LAN and play with them! Both players need to be connected to the same room to play with them and both need to have a headset connected to the same PC. But you can play on PS4, Xbox One and Windows 10 for the full experience. 7211a4ac4a